May 7, 2006

Adventure of a new pair of glasses....

Not two weeks old, the new glasses went carefully into the lovely eyeglass case. Rebecca put on her sunglasses and placed the case (with the new glasses) on the car; "...there, now when we leave, I'll grab them and I won't have to wander through the garden center wondering what the lovely flowers really look like." Two tantrums (kids) and one discussion (husband) later, Rebecca gets into the car and the family heads to the garden center. At the first garden center Rebecca gets out of the car without looking for the new glasses because, "I just want to get in, get what we need, and get out." An hour later the family returns home and Rebecca gathers her things from the car. Except the new glasses. "Hmmm, didn't I put my glasses in here? Well, maybe they're in the house..." (Husband gets glazed look -- wifey did something again) "Well, no -- they aren't in the house." (Husband gets in the car and retraces route to garden centers and back) On the way home Husband recalls hearing a sound, "like we drove over plastic." Husband (gulp) rings neighbors' doorbell to ask if they've found any glasses lying about. Neighbor asks wife -- who found a pair of glasses in the road and set them aside. Neighbor and husband form bond looking for "new" glasses. Glasses found (see picture -- that's exactly how they were found -- the arm on the left side of the pic was stuck in the bent case -- Mark used the pliers to unbend the case and free the glasses!). Wow -- not a scratch on the glasses!!!! Wifey is saved from husband's wrath; husband can go on with the day's work. Wifey gets on with the gardening... Oh, and that little sticker in the lower right corner of the case? "Made in China."

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