November 16, 2007

Fiber Fun

Fridays are usually relaxed here at the "School in the Park" (which is having class in the kitchen today because it's 38 degrees and snowing in Western NY). Anyway, to relax I decided to get out the fiber and do some needle felting (for an upcoming swap, and because, well, it's fun!). What you see here are various pieces in various stages. I'm waiting for a shipment from Black Sheep Designs before I can do the detailing on the red guy. Who knows what the other two will be...

1 comment:

jlmack said...

Thanks to you, I'm going to fail out of school. I now have the most glorious yarn in the world. I want to shove all my assignments off my desk and start knitting. I'm going to start making socks, ignore my work, lose my scholarship, fail out of school and have nothing...

Except the best socks ever. Hmm. I think the trade off is worth it!!!

Thank you... it's the most beautiful sock yarn I've ever seen.
