February 16, 2006


I love the idea of the knitting Olympics. I debated... Do I have time? Can I commit to challenging myself and tossing aside all else for 17 days? I decided I had other responsibilities. Homeschool really should come first. Although Buttercup (7yo DD) is knitting -- I just thought that asking a young girl of seven to join me in the knitting Olympics was a bit much to ask (not to mention hard to explain to the powers that be... "well, we took some time off so Mama could knit like a maniac.") So anyway. :) I decided to have my own Olympic knitting -- one has to do more than just sit and watch. I picked up the yarn Mom gave me for Christmas -- Opal Handpaint. Hmmm.... I have more Opal waiting in the stash... Let the games begin -- the Opalympics! So, I'm knitting my Opal and I'll post as I progress. My only goal -- to knit some nice socks for ME! And maybe a pair or two for the kids. Happy Knitting!!!

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